Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Why do we value free expressIon?

 Freedom of Expression is a basic fundamental human right to share opinions, ideas and spread information without the fear of government interference or censorship. It is no doubt that the freedom of expression is the backbone to the American society and that we often quote the first amendment when we feel our rights are being infringed upon. The first amendment is the forefront of democracy and creates what is known as "a marketplace of ideas" along with other values of the freedom of expression. The eight values of free expression are: 

1. Marketplace of Ideas 

2. Participation of Self-Government 

3. Stable Change 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment 

5. Governmental Checks on Power 

6. Promote Tolerance 

7. Promote Innovation 

8. Protect Dissent 

Looking at this list, it seems merely impossible to pick a single value that stands out and is the most important. Collectively, they all work together to ensure that democracy and the freedom of expression live on. The ones that work closely together are the #1,#6, and #8. Protecting dissent and promoting tolerance is what leads to a diversified marketplace of ideas and thus the dominoes fall into place from there. Protecting dissent of the majority and promoting tolerance from that dissent is what keeps the American democracy from autocracy, dictatorship and fascism. 

Being a woman which is a marginalized group of society, it is essential to me that my voice and views are heard and protected against the patriarchy so that in time we may see a stable change and innovation in law to improve the quality of lives of women around America. Today, we are treading dangerous waters and democracy is backsliding all across the country, but seemingly only under the fascist regimes of the republican dominated legislators. 

In more than 1/5 of the states, there is some form of abortion ban and we know that this is only the beginning. Tennessee has gone further by banning drag shows which is a direct attack on thousands of members of a certain community. Keeping with the fascist trends, Tennessee legislators are voting to expel 3 democratically elected officials for standing with their constituents in protest to gun violence. Meanwhile stuck in a game of who can out fascist the fascist,  Florida's governor is waging war on women and members of the LGBTQIA community by banning abortions and trying to outlaw gender, African-American, and Jewish course studies. He has even taken it a step further and has gone to ban all the books in Florida that seemingly would teach children acceptance and racial equality. 

What's happening in Florida and Tennessee is a direct threat to democracy and the American values of free expression. It is undermining the legislative system to punish dissenters and smash political tolerance in the face with a mallet.  On a much larger scale, the federal American government has pushed forth a bill called "The Restrict Act"which would systematically tear the freedom of expression away from Americans. This bill literally restricts the digital freedoms of Americans and in hand with TikTok ban, will affect millions of Americans. 

Not to be a Debbie Downer but this is only the beginning of a dystopian horror that I'm sure I do not want to see. To take action now, contact your local legislator and demand action, or simply get out a vote in the next election if you are able. These people work for us, so let's make them. 

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