Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Privacy on the Web and Offline

 In a digitized world, it seems like no information is considered private. It is easier now than ever to find the most personal details about someone including their life history, job and financials, relationship status and hobbies all in a click of a button. Access to this information is everywhere but in most cases, people give up this type of information unknowingly. Within the last 20 years, there has been a multiplicity of social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. that have grown with the World Wide Web and utterly dominate generations. The most fascinating and horrifying aspect of these Business Giants is not only how easy consent is given through the "I agree to these Terms and Conditions" button but also how easy it is to leave a digital footprint. A digital footprint is known as information about a particular person that exists as a result of their online activity. As a result, we are consenting to our information being out in the view of the public eye forever. Once the information is out there, it cannot be deleted. 

How does this affect me? My family or my friends? 

Most people ask questions of how does internet privacy affect them or their loved ones. And the answer is, in more ways than you know. If you have any activity of the internet, whether it be in forms of social media accounts, online orders, or simply accessing the internet, you have already left a digital footprint. It is important that we educate ourselves on the dangers of leaving digital footprints as the consequences could be detrimental to our education, careers, reputation and even loved ones. 

What is the government doing about these issues? 

Unfortunately the government cannot legislate private actors and big corporations. Because of the nature of private business', without government involvement a constitutional claim cannot be made. This means that private corporations, like facebook, have complete and total ownership of everything you post on its platform and even can censor people it they so choose because of the contract of adhesion, or a one party negotiating contract. 1st amendment rights do not extend in private business' but this does not mean you cannot exercise them, it only means that the corporations set the rules. The government however can interfere in terms of cyber security which includes CyberBullying, meaning comments can turn criminal in some US states. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Identity theft is not a joke, and now it is easier than ever to accidentally reveal private information about yourself on the internet that will be there forever. However there are simple ways  to protect your private information while browsing the internet. Ranging from not falling for scams and being careful of how you share private information online to securing your browser and password protecting your online accounts, there are certainly ways to protect your privacy online. 

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