Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Make Love not War!

 Make Love not War is a Phrase that is continuously used with anti-war voices and protest across generations. The phrase emerged in the early 1960's in protest to the Vietnam War and has since been used in songs, signs, bumper stickers and more. Growing up in the middle of the War on Terror and after the most horrific attack on American soil, war has often become desensitized to the public eye. I mean think about it, America has been at war for the last 18 years or so. 

We see war everywhere. We see it in games, songs, TV shows, Movies, and even on the very streets that we walk on. War is normal to people who grew up in the 2000s, but that doesn't mean we agree with it in every sense. Sometimes War is a necessary evil that must be addressed in order for the betterment of all. I would gladly support a war that would liberate marginalized groups and promote democracy around the world. I would support a war that would combat terrorism in civil-war torn countries. But War comes with a price, and often it is not one that is paid up front. 

The War on Terror cost millions of taxpayer dollars and increased the US debt tenfold only for the US to come out defeated and leave countries in worse conditions than we found them. Anyone I would ask about American involvement in the war on terror in Afghanistan would say that we are the good guys. But that is what they want us to believe. It is really the bad guys vs. the worse guys. Some have theorized that the invasion of Afghanistan was illustrated to break up the Russian-Iranian monopoly on oil supply to the surrounding countries. 

As Americans, we are conditioned to believe it is "our will be done" without examining the impact or even question it. What does that really say about of view of democracy and state sovereignty? It is difficult to find antiwar voices in the media, mainly because the top secret details have secured security clearance and the public is conditioned to view America as the good guys, the saviors. Many people want to believe in their own righteousness or superiority. And If i recall, we've already have fought plenty of wars on that issue. 

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