Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My 5 Favorite News Sources

In Today's climate, good news is hard to come by. Media sources are flooded with partisanship and extreme bias making everyone scream their favorite "F" word: Fake News. News outlets like Fox News, which was rated the most biased news station, continue to polarize the country and politically divide the population. With this social turmoil, it is impossible to reach a consensus between the two major parties and thus legislation remains stagnant. So how do we fix polarization and political division caused by Media outlets? Well, it's a tough question to answer. Without the government infringing on the freedom of the press, we are left with one viable answer. Education. As a society, we must educate ourselves on the criteria for picking unbiased news sources and steer clear of the biased ones.  It is important to pick news sources that are relatively unbiased that focus on the facts rather than the fiction or speculation. When we focus on the fiction or personal speculation we tend to lose track of what is really true, and that is when we get to say the "F" word. Now, if you are concerned of having to find a new unbiased news source, fret no more! Below are 3 of my favorite unbiased new sources! 

1.) Politico 

Politico is a robust news operation that specializes in politics and policy. Its vision is to expand access to reliable information and non partisan journalism to engage global citizenry. I typically read it in a  academic setting for professional opinion forming rather than for enjoyment. I recommend reading news on Politico because there is always something for everyone. Ranging from domestic issues to foreign policy, Politico has got you covered. They offer exclusive reporting and analysis while arming its readers with the intellectual capacity to make informed decisions. Those who wish to understand Washington and governments around the globe must go to politico first to get their news!

2.) The Associated Press

The Associated Press is an independent global news source that is dedicated to reporting the facts and not the fiction. AP is described as the most widely used and most trusted news source because of its consistent reporting of unbiased and accurate news. What I really like about The Associated Press is that 2/3 of their reporting staff are journalists who are trained to report fast and accurate news regardless of political party, widley making this news source a good unbiased source. The Associated Press also has news for everyone! Reporting news ranging from politics to sports and entertainment, AP has something for every news junkie and there is always more to uncover!

3.) The Wall Street Journal

This recommendation goes out to all my investors and business fans in the blogosphere. The Wall Street Journal is a international business news source that concentrates on finance, investment and corporate news.  This is a great news sources for any news regarding business and economics, while still having space for other news regarding politics and international news. The Wall Street Journal is regarded as a unbiased source that reports factual and centrist news, that is, if you steer clear of the opinion section. The Opinion section typically leans more towards conservative viewpoints, which is fine because they are opinion pieces. Otherwise The Wall Street journal is a great place to grow knowledge and stay informed in the world business and economic news! 

These next two news sources are my personal favorite ways to consume my daily news reporting. While one tends to lean to a bias narrative, It is important to note that I supplement other unbiased new sources to 'factcheck' the news I receive from these sources. 

4.) CNN

Ah, the dredded big CNN. I would be misleading you if I told you CNN was unbiased. In reality it is biased in terms of story selection and political commentary that often is critical of the right. While they present straight coverage news, their accuracy rating is close to 80% which is why I supplement information from other sources so that I may fact check one another while enjoying the commentary of America's sweetheart Anderson Cooper. What can I say? New Years Eve is not the same without him! 

5.) Under the Desk News

This is my personal favorite way to consume my daily news! Being young and a Student, having access to millions of social media platforms at the tip of my fingers is something no generation before me had the opportunity to do. TikTok is the top app of the year and many news companies have come to realize its power in influencing younger generations. A creator named Vitus Spehar created a news source call Under the desk news and it is aimed at providing a safe space to report global current events, political analysis, and special interest stories in under 60 seconds. It is a easy way for teens to access reliable news without having to steer from their favorite apps to do so. It's a win win! 

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